
Welcome parrot owners.If you just bought a parrot and you want to tame it or have a parrot in his cage for a long time and want to improve his life you came in the right place.If you like my blog spread the word to keep it alive.And remember my lessons will always be free.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

The clicker

So your parrot is eating from your hand ?What's next?The Clicker.The clicker is a small objects that makes a sound when you click it.You can buy it from everywhere but even if you can't find it you can just make a sound with your mouth.For clicker training you will need a parrot(of caurse) the clicker and a stick(a chopstick would be just fine).
Fisrt Step:From now on you will click before you give your parrot a treat(that will make him understand that the click means food)
Second Step:When he is familiar with the click insert the stick in the cage through the bars and get it near your parrot.He should bite it out of curiosity,when he does click and give him a treat(that will make him understand that whenever he bites the stick he will get a treat)
Third Step:When he follows the stick everywhere to get a treat,open the cage door and point out of the cage,he will come out of the cage.Get him on top of the cage.
Final Step:Time for the step up.When he is on top of the cage place your finger in front of him.Point with the stick from the other side so that he needs to get on your finger to bite it.He should step up after a while.When he does so say "step up".With a little practice he will be steping up on command.

Tip :Make sure you have a lot of time when you get him out of cage.

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